Hey There
Hi, I’m Julia! You don’t know me. Well, you don’t know me, yet! I am a stay at home, work at home, part time working, homeschooling, Jesus loving, mom of four, wife of one. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, sister, friend, nurse, distance runner…
I am a lot of things. But of all of the things that I am, my favorites are wife and mother. Like everyone in 2020 I seem to have a lot of time on my hands (pandemic induced quarantine and all that jazz) so what have I done with my extra time? Naturally I have taken absurd amounts of Facebook quizzes! What else is there? (Kidding… mostly… but also, kind of not) Want to know what I have learned about myself? I am a crunchy mom. Don’t know what that is? Neither did I.
Here is the definition of a crunchy mom from Urban dictionary: a group of moms who are neo-hippies.
…bake all your own bread – NOPE
…make your own jam, jelly, pickles, applesauce, etc. – Yes, absolutely, why wouldn’t I?
…gave birth at home — by CHOICE! – Unfortunately, no. But only because my husband said no.
…prefer to teach your children yourself at home instead of letting the public or private schools do it for you. – Yup, we have been homeschooling since the beginning.
…grow your own food as much as possible, and buy the rest at farmer’s markets or health food stores. – Now that you mention it, we are moving to a farm!
…are vegan or vegetarian. – Absolutely not. I NEED meat!
…choose not to use birth control. – Now I’m feeling attacked
…don’t wear a bra or shoes. –*looks down at chest… Looks at bare feet*
…don’t use shampoo or soap, but instead maybe sea salt or a variety of other things. – Curly girl method all the way… conditioner only ladies!
…had your placenta chopped up for an anti-depressant pill or smoothie. Gross. No way.
…have no television in your home — and actually read BOOKS for entertainment! -Books all the way. But you will be happy to know we still have a TV.
…grind your own grain to make your own bread with (did you know that wheat looses about 90% of it’s nutrients within 7 days of being ground?) – Now this I want to try!
…don’t cut your hair or wear pants (not going around half-naked, but wearing skirts! Silly people! Get your mind out of the gutter people!) -Quarantine hair cut! Tried the unicorn haircut method. I’m not hating it.
Guilty as charged. Looks like I am a bonafide crunchy momma!
I have this quote that I love, and like most of my favorite quotes, it is actually a song lyric. It says “The first step, is the one you believe in, and the second one might be profound.” The first step, was creating this blog, and yes, I believe in it! The second step? Putting it all out there. We get one shot at this wild and crazy life, and I would love to share that with you!