Pizza Night
What are your favorite memories of childhood traditions? Did you go camping the first day of summer? Did you bake cookies on the first day of school? Did you have Friday night Pizza night?
When I was a kid, there were lots of “unknown” things that went on in my home. As I am sure there were for most of you out there… But one thing I remember fondly was Friday night movie night. We would all pile into the van and go to the Hollywood Video store, and pick out a movie to watch. I only remember picking two movies. I’m not saying that I only got to pick the movie twice. I’m saying I only picked two movies. Flubber, and The Jungle Book.
Ya know what else I remember? That my mom never stayed in the living room to watch the movie. Now, I don’t say this as a dig at my mom. Now, I totally get it. She was busy. She wanted to get the kitchen clean so that when the movie was over, and we were in bed, she could just relax. All moms who let their kids watch TV have done this at one point or anther! But when I was thinking about what traditions I wanted to make for my kids, I promised myself, that if we did movie night, I would actually WATCH the movies.
Why am I talking about this now? Well. In our family, Friday night is pizza and a movie night. And we rotate who gets to pick the movies. Bryce, Mom (me), Ryleigh, James, Dad. Tonight, it is Bryce’s turn.
Me: Kiddo, what movie are we watching tonight?
Bryce: Its a secret
Me: Just tell me so I know what to turn on.
Bryce: *Conspiratorial voice* OK. But you can NOT tell Ryleigh and James.
Me: Understood
Bryce: Dark Wing Duck.
Me: *Insert dramatic eye roll here* Sounds good kiddo!… You are definitely your Daddy’s kid.
I Do. Not. Like. Dark. Wing. Duck. Never have. Never will. It is at this moment in time I am mentally envisioning myself scrolling through FaceBook while my kids watch the movie, or washing the dishes, or scrubbing the toilets. Anything other than watching this movie.
Five seconds however I control the mental ping-pong ball bouncing around in my head and remind myself, this is not about me. Movie night is not for my entertainment. It is about making memories. And in my kids memories, I will be present. Sarcastically picking on his taste in cartoon, perhaps. But present none the less. And with any luck, when they are telling their kids 30 years from now about Friday night Pizza night, they will only remember the delicious pizza, and snuggles on the couch with mom. And will be completely oblivious to my glazed expression!