Running. Running. Running.
Is there something that keeps you sane? For years, running has been that activity for me. When I was younger, I even broke up with long term boyfriends because they could not respect how important running was to me, and were constantly asking me to give up my runs in order to do other things. Running is a way of life. For some of you, you could replace “running” with “gardening” or “planning with stickers” or “swimming” etc. Those “way of life” activities are called self care. It is so, so important to make time for those things. When you don’t, everything else suffers. Sometimes, when I am particularly grouchy,…
Working on a workshop
Hard work builds character. So hopefully, by the time my tiny humans are full grown, their character is the stuff of legends. The thing about this move, is that we are moving from a small house, with a shed and a garage, and an attic, to a big house, with no shed, no attic, and no garage. So, while we are going to have lots more room for the family, we are seriously lacking in storage! Project number 1: Shed! And since we are the budget friendly kind of people that we are, we couldn’t simply buy a pre-fab shed. We bought a kit to build it ourselves. Finding time…